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Asparagus recovering

Data: 2018-05-24
Views: 995


Spring passed, pollen is passed, the breath of the summer is more and more strong, the road streets, fashionable girls early dew leg Lou waist dew arm, she fell asleep for half a year's hormone be vividly portrayed, Johns lines are long gone, replaced by the i6, A4 waist, legs weight loss statement last month, I don't know, do you remember? How many times have you been to the gym? Did private tutor little brother call you? How many times have you opened the fitness APP?


Exercise for weight loss, of course, is one of the principle of health lose weight, but you should know that eating too much, not eating, eating too much oil, is the real root cause of obesity, many of the so-called health food, but let a person eat fatter more, for example, the health of whole wheat bread with butter and jam, quinoa salad or salad vegetables, once labeled as a health food, eat much, it is easy to excess energy among the dalai unconsciously. Avocados, yogurt, nuts, they all look healthy, but, but, but, they're not low in calories, and even on a healthy looking whole-wheat bread, it's best to have no more than two slices per meal, or go straight to oatmeal.


A few days ago tried, the most fashionable most popular the most fashionable milk cover drink, incredibly is a very big lump of cream, imagine, this lump of cream grows the feeling on your body, no wonder the name is called "thin not go down milk tea". Along with a variety of colorful mixed milkshakes energy soup, gives all kinds of magical efficacy, row poison to raise colour anti-aging antioxidant, nuts, flax seed, avocado, plus vegetables and fruits all mixed in food machine, cup bottom go to, is more energy than a burger, incredibly still no matter full, let a person think just drank a cup of drink, relieve thirst.

Healthy drinks are not healthy, and healthy foods are high in energy. At least there are secure ingredients, healthy cooking methods, what to eat is clear, but also can make their favorite flavor, delicious and family to share, health also followed, today we bring asparagus fish roll, fast food, very convenient.

Asparagus recovering


The ingredients

Basa fish 250 g/asparagus 100 g/leek 50 g



1、Add white pepper and cooking wine to stir the fish. Blanch leeks and set aside, cut asparagus and set aside.


2、Wrap the basa fillet in asparagus and serve as an asparagus fish roll, tied tightly with blanched leeks.


3、Steam the fish roll with asparagus over high heat for 5-8 minutes.


4、In the process of steaming the fish roll, make the sauce. Put half a bowl of water in the pot, add the soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar, and finally add the water starch to form a thin sauce.


5、Fish roll out of the pot, drizzle sauce, can be eaten.




1、Generally speaking, grass carp will be chosen for fish roll, but if it is for the elderly and children to eat, or choose the fish without thorns, so that it is safer to eat, do not worry about fish thorns.

2、The asparagus doesn't need to be blanched in advance. It will be cooked in 5 to 8 minutes on the fire.


Reminder from dietitian

1、Asparagus is a vegetable that should be kept at home. Asparagus contains selenium. It is good for you to eat asparagus regularly.

2、Baasha is a freshwater fish with high water content and thick fillets. It is of high economic value. If you are not afraid of fish stings, you can choose grass carp or other fish in the sea.


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