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Fried shrimps in dragon fruit tsui yi

Data: 2018-05-24
Views: 494


Like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, can't keep up with the change of the seasonal temperature change clothes, blink of an eye, has been all over the sky suddenly overrun by the carpet of flowers do you wear a coat has been think it's too thick, move a little, take a walk, will be covered in sweat, guys and dolls are put on the streets, apparent clothes, let a person the first time realized the feeling of racing with time.

Just after the Spring Festival that time, haven't from every festival fat sanjin reality alert, muddleheaded on the promise of thin lightning rhetoric, just into April was his fat belly, flapping face, so, now my head only a few words, weight loss weight loss.

Had eaten the person that reduce weight to eat to say to reduce weight eat very unpalatable, a lot of on market reduce weight eat to also be salad merely, ate so 12, still can accept, if everyday eat so, eat so every meal, it is I am met certainly thin come down, because be to eat really not to go in, that is who hungry who knows.

If you have a dietitian as a friend, see the friend circle of dietitian everyday, you can know to reduce weight need not so hard actually. Control total quantity of heat, reduce energy to absorb, increase motion to use up, take a walk after having a meal, jog in beautiful spring color go up for an hour, you can be immersed in the afternoon that spring breeze is intoxicated, pour on a cup of sweet thick black coffee, eating cate at the same time, watch weight drop slowly at the same time, how happy life.

Fried shrimps in dragon fruit tsui yi


The ingredients

Half of pitaya fruit / 150 grams of watermelon peel / 100 grams of sea white shrimp



1、Remove the head and shell of the sea white shrimp, and peel them into shrimps. The shrimp line is the shrimp intestine, which contains sediment, so to remove clean. Put a small amount of starch, cooking wine, and then add a small amount of oil, and finally mix well with chopsticks.


2、Watermelon skin, also known as cuiyi watermelon, remove the green outside of the hard skin, cut into small ding.


3、Peel and dice pitaya. Set aside.


4、Pour a small amount of cold oil into a nonstick skillet.



5、After the shrimps are discolorated, add the watermelon and stir fry for 1-2 minutes. Season with salt.



6、Finally off the fire into the dragon fruit, and watermelon tsui yi, shrimp stir-fry well.




1、The biggest problem of the fruit into the dish will be very easy to fry the dish is very thin, because the water inside the fruit is larger, hot water will be analyzed out, so the greater the water of the fruit, must be finally put in, stir-fry immediately sheng out.

2、It is not recommended to put red pitaya in this dish. Red pitaya contains more plant pigment and beet red, which will dye the whole dish red and affect the appearance of the whole dish.

Reminder from dietitian

1、Watermelon skin, traditional Chinese medicine is called "natural white tiger soup", has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying and cooling blood, is a rare heat-clearing food. Watermelon rind can be stir-fried, boiled soup, with a variety of food to eat.

2、Pitaya is not very sweet because the sugar is mainly glucose, not fructose, so the dish is not too sweet.


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