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Quinoa super salad

Data: 2018-05-23
Views: 879



"Huangdi neijing" has a record: "food from times, stomach is injury", what does this mean? Is you eat much drink much, the body will be hurt, often someone will say, oh, today this meal to eat up, that eat up, in the end is what kind of harm?

(that is, first of all, the first will hurt our intestines and stomach, three meals a day to eat with a comfortable, the digestive system is bound to get rest, to 12 from the stomach bowel to small to large, colorectal, every moment of the day is to eat food, fill in it, the digestive system will increase the burden, easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases, eating too much too good for a long time, too fat, can cause indigestion.


Now we move less and less, eat more and more, eat the energy can not be consumed, over time, the energy will slowly accumulate in the body, causing obesity, and obesity is the root of all kinds of chronic diseases.

So eat too much, too greasy, can not let our body more and more strong, but will damage our health, there is a kind of diet, gradually appear in everyone's line of sight, that is light food.

The principle of light eating is to limit the total energy intake in the first place. The amount of energy intake per day is determined according to the amount of daily activities. Light food is to choose some low energy, low fat, low sugar, high protein food, in the premise of the total energy set, try to choose the food with strong sense of satiety, but also take into account the intake of vitamins and minerals, that is, we often say, high nutritional density. Able to control the intake already so, do not let yourself feel hungry again, let us a healthy body is the purpose of maintaining weight, not eat to the cost of their health, reasonable nutrition intake, sustain the movement of the science, to achieve the goal of thin body naturally, health is the foundation of beauty, thin body can't leave science, as long as the proper diet, can have healthy and beautiful body.


Now let's take a look at how this light, quinoa super salad is actually made.

The ingredients

Chicken breast 200g/quinoa 50g / 10 mint leaves / 1 red pepper

Lettuce 100 g/baby carrot 50 g/cherry tomatoes 50 g

Purple cabbage 50 g/honey 3 g/grape vinegar 2 g/olive oil 3 g



1. Wash the quinoa into the pot add water to boil, turn the lid to simmer about 20 minutes, remove to cool.


2. Cut cherry tomatoes in half, baby carrots in half, red pepper in small circles after washing, mint leaves washed and set aside, lettuce, purple cabbage chopped.





3. Marinate chicken breast meat with salt and white pepper for 30 minutes. Pour half a bowl of water into a non-stick skillet.



4. Serve all the vegetables and quinoa. Honey, vinegar, olive oil into a sauce, add Fried chicken breast can be.



1. Quinoa cooked, be sure to remember to remove the stalls cool, if the bubble time too long, starch gelatinization, quinoa lost its elastic taste.

2.All ingredients must be drained after washing, otherwise the sauce will not easily adhere to the ingredients.

Reminder from dietitian

Quinoa is promoting the whole grains ingredient over the past two years, is rich in B vitamins and dietary fiber, polyphenols, vitamin e, carotenoids, and so on in whole grain foods is not scarce also, whole grain filling is very strong, not easy to hungry, so is often the main equipped with some fitness meal, the taste of quinoa is Q, in addition to the salad, can also add other dishes.


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