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Stuffed steamed winter melon

Data: 2018-07-09
Views: 391


Great heat is the hottest and wettest time of the year. Just after the great heat, high temperature sultry, and many thunderstorms, heat and humidity of the air to take advantage of, the most easy to reduce water in the body. It can also cause irritability, loss of appetite, fatigue and even diseases such as summer diseases and heatstroke.

Now people are drilling in the air conditioning room, not so much sweat, but because the weather is too hot do not want to move, the existence of poor appetite phenomenon, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, summer climate hot, humid, this is called heat wet, heat wet into the body.


The ancients said, summer without disease three points empty, summer by heat dampness evil, spleen and stomach will appear weak symptoms, will affect the spleen and stomach transport, digestion function will be bad, eat natural also not sweet, then how to go heat dampness?

As the saying goes, eat buds in spring, summer melon.

Today we will have a set of summer melon vegetable -- steamed winter melon.


Wax gourd is the most common summer vegetables, there are rich in potassium, potassium can balance cell osmotic pressure inside the body, so it has the effect of diuresis detumescence, in the summer to eat some foods rich in potassium, can very good QuShu wet, thirst quenching, nourishing the stomach spent, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, high uric acid, can often eat wax gourd.

The ingredients

Winter melon 500g/ pork 100g/ egg 1

Cooking wine 3g/ starch 2g/ salt 2g/ white pepper 1g



1、Peel, pedicle, flesh and seed the gourd, wash and cut into large pieces. If you have molds at home, use them to cut into various shapes.


2、Add 3g rice wine, 1g starch, 2g salt, 1g white pepper and 1 egg into the pork filling. Beat hard and set aside.


3、Winter melon block above, you can use a knife to dig a semicircular pit, with dry starch in the pit coated with a thin layer, will play a good effort of the meat, into the pit.


4、One by one small meatballs, into the wax gourd on the pit, the size of the plate.


5、Put the pot on the fire, pour water, boil, put the cooked wax gourd steamed, fire 7 to 8 minutes. (mainly depending on the pot, the effect of micro pressure is shorter)




1、Cut the wax gourd, with a knife dug out of the pit must remember to coated with dry starch, dry starch is to stabilize the role of meat stuffing, otherwise the meatball is easy to fall off.

2、Steam must be used when the fire, if the use of small fire steam enough, taste easy to get old, not delicious.

3、When mixing the meat filling, you must pay attention to it. Don't forget to beat hard. Only when the meatballs are strong and tasty can they be made more smooth and beautiful.

Reminder from dietitian

1、Steamed dishes are the most primitive cooking methods, which can be traced back to more than 10,000 years ago in China. The cooking method of steam heating does not make steamed dishes hot, but focuses on the original juice and flavor, so that we can taste the most authentic taste of food. At the same time also can maximum extent keep the nutrient does not lose, the temperature that USES water to evaporate does not exceed one hundred degrees, vitamin c vitamin b2, carotene, lutein, or other mineral, the loss is relatively little, also won't produce the material that is harmful to human body.

2、Steaming is a traditional cooking skill. Generally speaking, meat dishes are mixed with vegetable dishes, such as steamed green peppers and steamed eggplant. Meat and vegetable dishes are mixed with each other, and the taste is richer.

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