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Ice drunk crayfish

Data: 2018-07-02
Views: 897


To a standard football fan, a World Cup final is like a wedding night. Tension, excitement, anticipation, satisfaction, excitement, day and night upside down life has lasted for a month, a month of stay up late, tired, sleep deprivation but hyperactivity, body endocrine disorders, pain and happiness.


After a month, the fans are very tired, depressed and their immunity has been weakened. Recently, there have been a lot of people with diarrhea. I chatted with the clerk in the drugstore yesterday, and I sold three boxes of enteric acid in two hours in the morning.


The weather is hot and humid, and the immune system is also weakened. Symptoms of autonomic nervous disorders such as cold, gastrointestinal fragility and allergy will appear. Well, I'm not threat you, the World Cup final is coming, the za fans excited, excited tension, will cause the brain cortex and the excitement of the hypothalamus, body increased secretion of norepinephrine, epinephrine, systemic small artery contraction can cause seizures, heart beat faster and blood pressure to rise.


What's more, the "evil" midnight snack will inevitably lead to more beer and seafood BBQ. It is said that the crayfish has gone across thousands of miles to Russia. In the middle of the night, should be the body rest time, and these spicy food let us excited, gastrointestinal not rest, some gastrointestinal diseases, indigestion chain reaction, have come to report.

In fact, stay up late to watch football, dinner should eat more resistant to high protein. If the game is late, the night snack should be made up of easy to digest liquid food and some staple food, such as soybean milk, fruit, so that you can feel full without eating too much. Some people stay up late like to eat sunflower seeds, sweet food, unknowingly among the intake of too much fat and refined sugar, increase the concentration of energy and blood sugar, is not conducive to health.

Today for the World Cup final tweet a late night snack, is the wine and crayfish in a dish, the crayfish has a slight alcohol taste, eat finger licks to stay sweet.

Ice drunk crayfish


The ingredients

Crayfish 500g/ spring onion 100g/ ginger 50g

A little bittern/ice water




1、Buy crayfish home, clean reserve. Be sure to pick out the dead shrimp on the way.


2、Add water, spring onion and ginger. Bring to a boil over high heat. Pour the crayfish into the boiling water and boil until completely discolored. Remove.


3、Put the blanched shrimp in ice water for a while, remove and drain, then pour in the gravy.




4、Refrigerate 1 hour before serving.


5、Take out the pre-frozen ice, carefully set a plate, and open the ball at the same time to eat!




1、"Baizhuo" refers to the original taste of fresh shrimp directly into the water boiled food. People in guangzhou like to cook shrimp in a white way to keep it fresh, sweet and tender. Burning, is the material into boiling soup or boiling water cooked. No sauce, no sauce mix, mainly to keep the original flavor of the ingredients.

2.The burning time must be short, the heat must be fierce, and the ingredients must be fresh. Fresh shrimp is strong and sweet, delicious and nutritious.

3.Shrimp is not easy to cook for a long time, otherwise the meat will be old, cooked and immediately removed into the ice water, so that the shrimp crunch, eat more crisp.

Reminder from dietitian

1、Shrimp must buy fresh, summer hot and humid food easily spoiled, fresh ingredients is safe and healthy.

2、Shrimp is rich in nutrition, and the meat is soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for people who are weak and need to be nursed after illness. Shrimp is rich in the antioxidant astaxanthin, which can fight aging.

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