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Golden melon with lion's head

Data: 2018-06-26
Views: 629


The sun is scorching like fire

Wild rice and rice are half scorched

The heart of the peasant is boiling

Sun shook the fan

When I was a child, in addition to the concept of summer, watermelon, mung bean soup, I am afraid this poem is the only one left.


In the hot summer days, what we are looking forward to most is a few heavy rains. After a heavy rain, the weather will be cooler. Beijing these days continuous rain, rain, the weather is cool, but the moisture, moisture, air humidity is not low ah.


In traditional Chinese medicine, "dampness" is also called "Yin & evil". The spleen corresponds to Yin, and the spleen prefers dryness to dampness. Excessive moisture can do the most harm to the spleen, so people may feel hot and upset, nausea, thirst, appetite loss, body drowsiness, uncomfortable stool and other symptoms, which are caused by the evil of "heat and humidity".

Summer temperature is high, the humidity is high, Chinese medicine said the heat is this season, the accumulation of moisture in the spleen and stomach, will cause some gastrointestinal diseases, even if there is no disease, there will be some changes, such as sticky stool, indigestion and so on. Summer is the season of eat, hot weather during the day sweating much appetite, arrived after the sun goes down, the temperature decrease, also feel hungry, just a roadside stall all kinds of beer, cold dish, barbecue, and so on the abundance of food are put out, let a person cannot help eating a few mouth, that can cause a lot of unhealthy substances into the body.

How clear bowel goes hot wet, became the thing that a lot of people care about, in fact at this moment, dietitian still suggests to be able to begin from food, will show skill to have appearance level already today, can clear bowel again clearing damp golden melon lion head.


The ingredients

1 small golden melon / 200g basa fish / 1 egg

Salt 2g/ starch 2g



1、Drain and mince the fish. Add egg white and 1g starch. Add salt for 3 times, beat evenly, then beat the meat with your hands, beat until the meat is ready to use.



2、Use a small spoon to scoop out the seeds and the insides, making the bottom half a container and the top half a lid.


3、In the golden melon coated with dry starch, each place to be daubed, and then the fish meat tuancheng lion head shape, into the golden melon.


4、Put water in the pot, who will turn into a small fire after opening, into the stuffed jingua, such as meat filling surface discoloration fining, turn to medium heat, cook for 10-15 minutes, remove.


5、Serve on a simple garnish plate.



1、Always add salt to the minced fish in batches. If you add salt all at once, it will make the fish dry and the filling will not be fresh enough. Adding salt in batches allows the protein in the fish to absorb water and retain its delicate texture.

2、After removing the insides of the melon, be sure to apply dry starch to every part. Otherwise, the fish filling after cooking, easy to fall out, dry starch in here is to play a role in the fixation.

Reminder from dietitian

It contains an ingredient called mannitol. The molecular weight of mannitol is relatively large, it is not absorbed in the intestinal tract, and at the same time can make the water in the intestinal tract increase greatly, stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, and achieve the purpose of cleaning the intestinal tract.

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