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Tea ribs

Data: 2018-05-25
Views: 387


In may, spring tea should have arrived at the desk of every tea lover, people who like tea, for the new down spring tea, like a drug addict, can not get the heart.


The tea I like is tieguanyin. Tieguanyin is the best spring tea and autumn tea with the largest yield. The good tieguanyin comes from the spring and autumn seasons. The endurance of spring tea is better than that of autumn tea.


Tea polyphenols and amino acids are the main nutrients in tea. In general, green tea contains three times more polyphenols than black or pu 'er. Of course, compared with summer tea and autumn tea, the temperature in spring is relatively low, and the growth of tea tree is relatively slow, which is conducive to the synthesis and accumulation of nitrogenous compounds in tea, reducing the harm of diseases and insects during the growth period, and reducing the biological pollution of tea. Compared with autumn green tea, the tea polyphenols in spring green tea are 3.0% higher than that in autumn green tea, 3.4% higher than that in caffeine, and 10.2% higher than that in amino acids. The content of amino acids in pre-ming tea is higher than that in post-ming tea, while the content of polyphenols in tea with bitter taste is lower. At this time, the tea tastes sweet and mellow.

There is tea and meat, which is probably the favorite of ancient scholars and scholars. In addition to the famous longjing shrimp, you can name it. There are probably not too many famous tea dishes.


Spareribs is probably one of the most frequently seen home-cooked dishes in the kitchen. Sweet, salty and fresh, this tea dish is full of tea flavor. The ribs are braised until crispy and then sprinkled with Fried and crispy tea leaves. It is delicious, fragrant and beautiful. The ribs are blanched, simmered and Fried in three ways, crisp and tender on the outside, and the aroma is locked in the meat, so that you can suck the aroma of meat bones and tea leaves.

The ingredients

300g spareribs / 5g tieguanyin

3 g salt / 5 g sugar / 5 g light soy sauce / 50 g oil



1、Rinse pork ribs. Scald for blood and set aside.


2、Tieguanyin boiled water for 3-5 times, and then removed the tea leaves, tea soup and tea leaves were put aside.


3、Spareribs into the tea stew, add salt, to 80 remove, tea reserved.


4、New from the pot, put the oil into the tea, Fried crisp after remove, then pour into the oil spareribs, small fire Fried.


5、After washing the pot, add half a bowl of stewed meat to the pot of tea, add light soy sauce, sugar boil into a bowl of juice, pour in the Fried ribs wrapped in soup. Place the tea leaves on a plate and arrange the ribs on the plate.



1、Stewed and Fried time into the tea soup and oil, has the effect of fishy and aromatic.

2、At the last step of the decoction, sugar is the key, the bitter and sweet taste of tea mutually eliminate each other, stained with tea soup there is no bitter taste.

Reminder from dietitian

Ribs are rich in bone mucin, bone collagen, calcium phosphate, vitamins, fat, protein and other nutrients. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.



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