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Jade two-color tofu

Data: 2018-05-24
Views: 715


After last weekend's "spring chill" the north of the spring is finally practical, zhu ziqing's prose, is how to write? "The mountains become bright, the water rises, and the sun blushes. The grass secretly drill out of the soil, tender, green. In the garden, in the fields, look, the fields are large.


This month the rain is very sufficient, with the spring rain, there must be a rumble of the spring thunder, the spring thunder ring, the soil of small insects ah can come out, people at this time also go out, the park, full of the whole family outing crowd. Don't stay at home all the time. In spring, the days are getting longer and longer. Traditional medicine think: human liver belongs to wood, like the trees in the spring, the liver in the spring, also need special maintenance, liver have to maintain the body each viscera, the most important function of organization and coordination work, the liver curing, can make the body healthy and vigorous gas blood, to make the health to ensure all the year round.


In order to maintain the liver, it is necessary to supplement high quality protein. Proper intake of high quality protein will help improve the liver function, maintain the balance of positive nitrogen in the body, improve the activity of biological enzymes in the body and increase liver glycogen. Among them, the branched chain amino acids to the liver has the effect of protection, foods rich in branched chain amino acids are: milk, soy, cauliflower, corn, etc., plant protein and animal protein mixed edible, can play a role of their complementary, more helpful for complete absorption and utilization of protein, promote the regeneration of liver cells, prevent the toxin of liver cell damage.

Today we see the clear light spring nourishing the liver food, jade double color tofu, is how to do.




The ingredients

500 grams of soy milk / 350 grams of eggs / 50 grams of chicken breast

Broccoli 250 grams/salt/water starch amount



1. Broccoli stems away, cut into small pieces, wash, into the cooking machine, add a little water into the west blue velvet.


2. 1 egg beaten, into the broccoli mix well, add a little salt seasoning, set aside.


3.Beat 6 eggs, pour in soy milk, add a little salt seasoning, put into the steamer.翡翠双色豆腐

4.While steaming over medium-high heat until the surface is set, carefully pour in the chopped cilantro and smooth the broccoli over the surface of the steamed egg with a spoon.


5.Diced chicken breast, add a little water starch mix well, broccoli stem diced reserve.


6.Add salt and stir-fry until done. Add water and starch to thicken.


7.After the eggs are steamed, mold out the shape, put on the good Fried chicken.



1. Broccoli needs eggs in order to make a shape, otherwise it will collapse.

2. Thicken and season chicken breast, otherwise it will be too thin.

Reminder from dietitian

Many people think that tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables are rich in vitamin c. in fact, the vitamin C content of broccoli is significantly higher than other common vegetables. What's more, broccoli is rich in all kinds of vitamins, especially folic acid, which is an important reason why its nutritional value is higher than that of ordinary vegetables.


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