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Caterpillar fungus mixed with flowers

Data: 2019-01-06
Views: 49


Walking around the store today, I met a customer who came to buy some medicine for his wife. His wife's skin is not very good, from the picture, the face has more black calm, this from the point of view of Chinese medicine is silt, this silt is very difficult to get out.


The reason for this sedimentation is actually very simple, that is, the metabolic wastes inside the body cannot be discharged, and slowly accumulate in the body, which will appear on the surface of the body.

Then why can have this kind of metabolism waste not to discharge the phenomenon?

I first asked his wife's age, already more than 40 years old. At this age, the metabolism is not as active as when you were young, and it starts to become more and more slow. The basal metabolic rate of people will drop, and the waste metabolism in the body will be discharged at a slower rate.

"Does your wife like sports?

"When I go home every day, I just sit on the couch, watch TV and eat, and I don't like to move any more."

"What about diet? Do you prefer meat again?"

"Yes, I don't like vegetables very much."

"Is your wife in good condition? Have that kind of defecate that come out stick to go up in closestool, not the phenomenon that flushes down easily?"

"No, I couldn't even get rid of constipation for a few days."

"You see, conditions like this have shown that the waste that is metabolized in the body, stays in the body for too long, and the waste that is metabolized doesn't get out and the longer it stays in the body, the more harm it does to the body."

How to improve this situation?

The first step is to improve intestinal health. There are many ways to improve intestinal health. Increased exercise is one of them, because walking increases the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, which helps with the elimination of feces. Another option is to take probiotics or prebiotics to build up a good gut flora to help with bowel movements.

Of course, in the diet should also pay attention to the intake of some dietary fiber. We say that there are two kinds of dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber and soluble dietary fiber.

Soluble dietary fiber is a type of fiber that can be dissolved in water. It is viscous and can absorb a large amount of water in the intestinal tract to keep the feces soft. It can activate the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, and create a healthy ecology of the intestinal tract. Fungi and algae are high in water-soluble dietary fiber, such as black fungus and cordyceps flowers.

The ingredients

Yarsagumba flowers 200g/ spinach 250g/ fresh black fungus 100g

Starch 2g/ salt 2g/ sugar 1g/ light soy sauce 1g/ vinegar 1g



1、Cordyceps flowers to pick the head of the hard pedicle, rinse clean with water, with water blanching become soft, remove the reserve.


2、Spinach to pick old leaves and rotten leaves, clean, the same water blanching hot, remove, cut off, squeeze out water, spare.


3、Fresh agaric pick and wash, blanch, squeeze out water, set aside.


4、Put half a bowl of water in the pot. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce and vinegar. Bring to a boil.


5、Cordyceps flowers, spinach, black fungus, according to the order into the mold, into the sauce, then put the plate.



Starch is to do the modeling of the time to play the role of adhesion, if it is just homely food, simply put a few kinds of vegetables mix, do not add water starch thickening can also be.

Reminder from dietitian

1、Cordyceps flowers are a kind of fungus. It is very similar to common edible fungi such as lentinus edodes and pleurotus edodes. It is rich in protein, amino acids, cordyceps, polysaccharides, water-soluble dietary fiber and so on.

2、Black fungus is the most commonly prepared food for bacteria and algae in the home. It is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber. Water-soluble dietary fiber can fully absorb water in the intestinal tract, so that food expands and food residues become larger, which can be more easily discharged from the body and effectively improve the symptoms of constipation.

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