Kitchen revolution
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Glass mustard greens

Data: 2018-05-25
Views: 890


People always say that the happiest people in spring are children. In fact, it seems to me that the happiest people are elderly people. Why? As soon as the spring comes, the trees are green and the grass is green. In the park and on the grass, some old people begin to dig wild vegetables everywhere with shovels. Because they come from the bitter days, spring is when vegetables are scarce, dig some wild vegetables to eat at home, can not only enrich their own table, but also to prevent disease, wild vegetables dig more can also easily to the family to earn some subsidies, why not?


For purslane, dandelion these dishes, a lot of people not too like, feel the taste of some Chinese traditional medicine, but the shepherd 's-purse is faint scent, like shepherd's purse are many, anyway, I very like shepherd's purse, shepherd's purse has two kinds, one kind is broad leaf, one is the jagged, shepherd's purse do stuffing, steamed stuffed bun and dumplings are very delicious. Even if only a few shepherd's purse do shepherd's purse bean curd soup, children always like to eat with rice. Today, make a crystal clear glass round with mustard greens.


The ingredients

Mustard 100 g/pork 200 g

Carrot 50 grams/starch 250 grams/egg 1 / salt 5 grams/oil 5 grams



1、Shepherd's purse pick out the old leaves and roots, only choose the tender shepherd's purse leaves, clean reserve. Pot boiling water, add 2 grams of vegetable oil, 1 gram of salt, put the picked shepherd's purse leaves into the water blanching for a minute, remove into cold water.


2、Pork stuffing to choose four fat six thin, add 1 gram of salt, 1 egg, 2 grams of starch, stir.


3、Blanch good shepherd's purse shepherd's purse mince into stuffing, carrot also minced into fine stuffing, into the pork stuffing, stir evenly, add 3 grams of salt seasoning.


4、Place the remaining starch in a slightly larger flat container.


5、Gently shake the container like yuanxiao to coat the meatballs with starch.


6、Take a pot and boil half a pot of water. When the water boils, turn down the heat to level the water.


7、Remove the meatballs, drain and transfer to a plate. Shake the container again to cover the second layer.

8、Repeat steps 6-7 for 3 times. At this time, the meatballs have been cooked for 3 times and are ripe. The surface of the meatballs also forms a translucent membrane.



When blanching green leafy vegetables, the leaves are easy to turn yellow, because the chlorophyll in the leaves has been destroyed, to avoid this situation, there are several ways: when blanching add a little oil, or add a little salt, some people like to add some alkali, but easy to destroy the nutrients in vegetables. Hot vegetables should be quickly put into cold water, can also prevent the leaves turn yellow.

Reminder from dietitian

Shepherd's purse has a great medicinal value, shepherd's purse can reduce blood sugar, blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.


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